EBIST 2024

Travel Info

Kielce is located in Central Poland between Warsaw and Cracow, the present and former Polish capitals.

The venue of the 15h International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps (EBIST 2024):
Jan Kochanowski University
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Kielce, Uniwersytecka 7
building G, Lecture Hall B1

GPS coordinates:
latitude: N50° 52' 52.0" (50.881101)
longitude: E20° 39' 23.3" (20.656483)

Travel to Kielce:

By plane

You can fly to Poland to Cracow Airport or to Warsaw Chopin Airport.

You can travel from Cracow/Warsaw to Kielce by train. In this case you have to reach Cracow Central Station (Kraków Główny) or Warsaw Central Station (Warszawa Centralna):

From Cracow Airport (Kraków Lotnisko) it is convinient to take a train to Cracow.

By train

The train timetable of Polish railways (PKP) is available on http://www.rozklad-pkp.pl/en.

By car

Kielce city is situated at a crossing of roads with numbers S7 (North – South) and 74 (East – West).


Important dates:

  • Abstract final deadline: June 16, 2024
  • Early registration ends: July 1, 2024

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